I use a combination of
to help YOU HEAL

My clients are people who are considered LEADERS AND HIGH ACHIEVERS

They have WORKED HARD to create an EXCEPTIONAL LIFE, and in most ways they have . . .

They feel STUCK with that ONE THING that is BLOCKING them
from experiencing the LOVE, PEACE, & FULFILLMENT they worked so hard for.


to learn how to OVERCOME
what holds YOU back
from experiencing WHAT YOU WANT.

I will help YOU see that there’s Nothing outside YOU that is more powerful than what’s inside YOU.

I will connect YOU to THE SOLUTIONS, POWER, & POTENTIAL within YOU.


Sanya Bari

Private Work

One-on-one sessions allow you exclusive time with me
Get to the heart of the matter with personalized guidance, support, and insights Locate your blindspots, channel and redirect your qualities and nuances to work FOR YOU. Create the life and love you want

Limited availability!

How To Make It On The Other Side of Infidelity

Individual Coaching

  • 2 (90-min) Private Sessions per month OR 3 (60min) Sessions per month

  • Unlimited Spot Coaching Phone calls

  • Unlimited Support via texts, emails, and voice messages

  • 3, 6, or 12 months – case dependent

    *see ADDED BENEFITS below.

Couples Coaching

Couples Coaching

  • 2 (90-min) Couples Sessions per month
  • 1 (60-min) Individual Sessions PER PERSON per month
  • Unlimited Spot Coaching Phone calls
  • Unlimited Texts, Emails, Voice Messages
  • 3, 6, or 12 months – case dependent

*see ADDED BENEFITS below.

Laser Coaching

Laser Coaching

  • 2 (30-min) Laser Coaching Sessions/Month for 6 Months
  • Recordings of Zoom sessions available on request within 24 hours
  • Spot coaching calls, as needed
  • Text or Audio Message Support for Fast Brainstorming or Q&A
  • Feedback, Strategies, Resources and Action Items
  • $1,500 off for TH School
Rapid Relief Session

Rapid Relief Session

  • 3 (90-min) Consultation Sessions
  • Only available once per person
  • Feedback, Strategies, Resources, and Action Items
  • Recordings of sessions available on request within 24 hours
Getting to know

Getting To Know YOU Sessions

  • 6 (90-min) Individual or Couple Coaching Sessions 
  • Only offered once per client(s)
  • 2 Spot Coaching Phone calls included 
  • Feedback, Strategies, Resources, and Action Items
  • Recordings of sessions available on request within 24 hours
  • Support via texts, emails, and voice messages
Healing is Possible no matter how bad it is for you right now

Rapid Relief Therapy (ART)

  • 1 (75-min) Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
  • Resolve conflicts, heal life-long trauma and phobias using the evidence-based practice of ART – the newer faster version of EMDR
  • Total investment $500


Some added complimentary benefits with the programs & services above:

3 - Months Coaching Journey

  • Complimentary entry into any workshop being offered during our coaching journey

6 - Months Coaching Journey

  • Entry into any workshop offered during our coaching program
  • Entry into the TH School (Based Upon Acceptance after an Interview)
  • This benefit is not included for Laser Coaching.

1 Year Coaching Journey

  • Entry into the TH School (Upon Interview)
  • Entry into any workshop offered during our coaching program
  • Complimentary Entry into the TH School (Based Upon Acceptance after an Interview)
  • 2 Private Retreat Days with Sanya


Healing is Possible no matter how bad it is for you right now

Quick Relief From Pain and Trauma with Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Resolve traumas, phobias, anxiety in a couple of sessions

Click the button below to learn more and watch the video

Marriage CPR with Discernment Counseling

Should I Divorce/Break-Up Or Can We Heal Our Love? Discernment Counseling

Give this decision the respect it deserves by having a discussion without volatile emotions

Click the button below to learn more and watch the video


Transformational Healing School

The School for Transformational Healing

It’s difficult to describe the healing and transformation that occurs in a group.
Deep insights and even deeper healing occurs
when people meet each other without judgment,
with love, complete acceptance, vulnerability
and a desire to learn and grow.

While one-on-one coaching has its own merits,
the quality of the group experience is indescribable.
It allows you to heal at a level that is unexpected and nothing short of miraculous.
You develop a strong relationship of trust and love with yourself.

Self-Paced Courses

Learn at your own pace.

Each course includes a 60 min Private Coaching Session with Sanya – upon request

Happy Couple Walking at the beach with their dogs

The Unnstuckness Workshop

Are you just getting through life year after year rather than leading your life with joy and excitement about being alive?

Where are the places in your life where you feel stuck? Where you can feel a deep calling from within but have not been able to see it through?

Maybe it’s your health, you work, money, your partner or your other relationships.

Maybe you are stuck in making an important decision about your life or in finding your purpose.

Maybe you are frozen by unresolved pain because of a loss of a person, a relationship, a situation.

Re-Learn Workshop

Coming Soon!


Never Again Webinar

The Never Again Webinar

Coming Soon!

Woman on beach

How To Make It On The Other Side of Infidelity

My Clients Often Want To Learn:

  • How to make big decisions about life and love that they will not regret later.
  • How to create loving communication & connection, so each feels heard & seen.
  • How to get free from cycles of break ups, infidelity, and other betrayals.
  • How to heal attachment wounds & self-sabotage that keep them stuck.
  • How to change their energy to attract quality partners – create & sustain love. 


This Work Is NOT For Everyone:

  • This work IS for people who are SICK of being STUCK IN PAIN PATTERNS and they are ADAMANT about creating outcomes of life and love that are different from what they have experienced and from what they see around us.
  • They realize that they can’t create the EXCEPTIONAL LIFE & LOVE they want if they KEEP DOING WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN DOING.. 
  • They are READY, WILLING, AND ADAMANT on releasing the OLD and inviting WHAT THEY WANT, even if it is NEW and UNCOMFORTABLE. 
  • If you are not there yet, don’t worry. It took me years before I was willing to do the DEEP WORK needed to RESOLVE the pain. I could only do SURFACE FIXES that kept me in the PAIN CYCLE. After a certain amount of suffering I became THE RIGHT TIME for me’ and I did whatever was needed to free myself. 
  • Have patience with yourself  – YOU WILL GET THERE, and WHEN YOU DO, I will BE HERE to LOVINGLY SUPPORT and GUIDE you through it. 

This Work IS for YOU IF:

  • If you are ready to hear PERSPECTIVES that are not COMMONLY SHARED and are willing to RECEIVE REAL ANSWERS and REAL SOLUTIONS even if they are new to you and might feel UNCOMFORTABLE.
  • If you are willing to BYPASS THE DEFAULT PROGRAMMING all of us were conditioned into, and instead CONSCIOUSLY WORK TO BECOME WHOLE.

The Question !s:

Are you ready to BE UNCOMFORTABLE in service of your FREEDOM, PEACE, and FULFILLMENT?

Are you ready to HEAL FOR THE LAST TIME?


The People Who Ultimately Work With Me:

  • They can get to ‘conditional happiness and satisfaction’. They are looking to harness UNCONDITONALl JOY and FULFILLMENT. 
  • They have worked on their healing in various ways, and now they want to learn to HEAL FOR THE LAST TIME.
  • They make a strong COMMITMENT to WHAT THEY WANT
  • They understand growth can be scary and they too are scared, but they are still ALL IN for a COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION. 
  • They don’t always have the money for coaching sitting around, but they consider transforming their mindset as their MOST IMPORTANT INVESTMENT, worthy of their time and attention.
  • They SHOW UP FULLY in their lives and in their sessions, even when they are scared to do so.


Questions YOU Will Likely Explore Are: 

  1. Why did this happen to ME? The ‘WHAT’ & the ‘WHY’.
  2. What does it mean to get on the OTHER SIDE OF MY PAIN?
  3. What does it mean to HEAL FOR THE LAST TIME … and HOW to get there?
  4. What might you have to DO or NOT DO to close the gap between you & healing?


Food for Though:

  • Pain shows you precisely where you need to heal to feel whole and fulfilled.
  • The frustration you feel by being stuck in your pain cycle is actually a healthy indication that you have a deeper bandwidth within you are not living up to.
  • The frustration from stuck-ness can also be an indicator that you’ve evolved in other areas of your life, and now there is a call for further elevation.


The stuckness in your pain cycle is an invitation to become whole and deeply fulfilled, unconditionally – without anyone else’s permission or contribution.

Connect With Me

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