How To Make It On The Other Side of Infidelity
Infidelity is a gut-wrenching experience. The momentum of pain from being betrayed in an intimate relationship can shatter your SELF IDENTITY, question your PURPOSE, and question everything you believe in.
You are left to pick up pieces of this shatter when you are at the lowest point of your courage, conviction, and clarity.
because there are too many people who experience infidelity and not enough guidance on what ACTUALLY WORKS TO HEAL & RESOLVE it.
… because not knowing what works KEEPS YOU IN PAIN that is already challenging to bear.
… because unless you figure out how to overcome the betrayal pain, IT KEEPS OVERCOMING YOU.

I know the cruel and disorienting quality of betrayal pain because I have experienced it.
Yes … I am a therapist, relationship expert, trauma specialist, and now, transformational coach … and I have experienced betrayal so many times that I made it my BULLISH LIFE MISSION to learn HOW TO GET ON THE OTHER SIDE OF INFIDELITY.
I searched for an answers as if my LIFE DEPENDED ON IT … If you get to attend this workshop, you’ll find out how my life ‘did’ depend on figuring out how to make it to the other side of infidelity.

After years of failing to truly understand how to climb out of what felt like an unending pit of darkness, I finally discovered a way out. I learned how to combine science and compassion to help myself and others HEAL FOR THE LAST TIME.
NOW, my PERSONAL MISSION is to tell ALL that are READY TO HEAL what I WISH I KNEW when I was lost, broken, and stuck.

I know the cruel and disorienting quality of betrayal pain because I have experienced it.
Yes … I am a therapist, relationship expert, trauma specialist, and now transformational coach … and I have experienced betrayal so many times that I made it my BULLISH LIFE MISSION to learn HOW TO GET ON THE OTHER SIDE OF INFIDELITY.
I searched for an answers as if my LIFE DEPENDED ON IT … If you get to attend this workshop, you’ll find out how my life ‘did’ depend on figuring out how to make it to the other side of infidelity.
I know the cruel and disorienting quality of betrayal pain because I have experienced it.
Yes … I am a therapist, relationship expert, trauma specialist, and now transformational coach … and I have experienced betrayal so many times that I made it my BULLISH LIFE MISSION to learn HOW TO GET ON THE OTHER SIDE OF INFIDELITY.
I searched for an answers as if my LIFE DEPENDED ON IT … If you get to attend this workshop, you’ll find out how my life ‘did’ depend on figuring out how to make it to the other side of infidelity.

After years of failing to truly understand how to climb out of what felt like an unending pit of darkness, I finally discovered a way out. I learned how to combine science and compassion to help myself and others HEAL FOR THE LAST TIME.
NOW, my PERSONAL MISSION is to tell ALL that are READY TO HEAL what I WISH I KNEW when I was lost, broken, and stuck.

Not necessarily …
There are various stages we go through when we are working with the core-shaking momentum of infidelity.
This workshop is useful only when YOU have come to a certain place in YOUR personal journey. You can use the indicators below to gauge if this workshop will be helpful is for you at the stage you are at right now.
If you find that you are NOT YET READY for this workshop, don’t worry. I too was not ready to look into solutions that REALLY work for me for 15 years.
I remember leaving a therapist office very upset when she showed me that ‘I don’t ‘really’ want to resolve my pain’ … wherever you are in your journey, know that you are likely so much better than where I was. Know that you will get there when it’s time.

This workshop IS FOR YOU if you are ready to hear PRESPECTIVES ABOUT INFIDELITY that are not COMMONLY SHARED and if YOU want REAL ANSWERS and REAL SOLUTIONS.
Some questions we will explore are:
- Why did this happen to ME? The WAHT & WHY of betrayal.
- What does it mean to get on the OTHER SIDE OF INFIDELITY?
- What does it mean to HEAL FOR THE LAST TIME … and HOW TO get there?

Not necessarily …
There are various stages we go through when we are working with the core-shaking momentum of infidelity.
This workshop is useful only when YOU have come to a certain place in YOUR personal journey. You can use the indicators below to gauge if this workshop will be helpful is for you at the stage you are at right now.
If you find that you are NOT YET READY for this workshop, don’t worry. I too was not ready to look into solutions that REALLY work for me for 15 years.
I remember leaving a therapist office very upset when she showed me that ‘I don’t ‘really’ want to resolve my pain’ … wherever you are in your journey, know that you are likely so much better than where I was. Know that you will get there when it’s time.

This workshop IS FOR YOU if you are ready to hear PRESPECTIVES ABOUT INFIDELITY that are not COMMONLY SHARED and if YOU want REAL ANSWERS and REAL SOLUTIONS.
Some questions we will explore are:
- Why did this happen to ME? The WAHT & WHY of betrayal.
- What does it mean to get on the OTHER SIDE OF INFIDELITY?
- What does it mean to HEAL FOR THE LAST TIME … and HOW TO get there?
This workshop IS for you…
if you are ready to hear perspectives about infidelity that are not commonly shared and if you want REAL answers to:
1: Why did this happen to me? The what and why of betrayal.
2: What does it mean to get on the other side of infidelity?
3: What to do to heal for the last time?
September 26, 2023 – Tuesday,
6 – 7:30 pm EST (3 – 4:30 pm PST)
On Zoom Video
The investment to participate is $45.
It is a commitment fee to ensure that only those that are motivated to attend sign up.
50% of the fee will be donated to a Local Women and Children Shelter.
Scholarship available. Email me scholarship requests at
My intention is to curate a safe and sacred space for learning, healing, and growth so a 15 min INTERVIEW is mandatory for acceptance into this very special workshop.
Here are some links to get more acquainted with Sanya Bari