I don’t want everyone else’s life. I want to CREATE a LIFE and LOVE that honors the POTENTIAL I can feel within me?
An FAQ for people who want to take a stand for their life, who no longer want the stories of ‘what happened to them’ decide what happens next. It is a guide for those that don’t want to follow uninspiring paths of others and instead create and nurture the kind of life they are excited about living.
After years of effectively supporting hundreds of people in overcoming issues that seemed impossible to resolve I have combined the most effective evidence-based practices from multiple fields to develop the Conscious Unification method.
Conscious Unification© is a deep-dive into healing.
It enables you to free yourself from all that holds you back from creating the life and love you want.
Conscious Unification is set up to help you recognize and overcome:
unconscious patterns of pain,
self-sabotaging behaviors,
uniquired thoughts,
harmful beliefs,
negative narratives,
attachment insecurities
Within six months of connecting with you I am already thriving. I am closing on the purchase of my home. My strength and independence has been proven stronger than I ever knew. I am free from anti-depressant medication. I’ m improving physically as well as mentally, I’m in an much lighter and brighter place.
I truly feel that you were a godsend in my process of self discovery. I will remain in contact with you and cherish your guidance and friendship.
“There are very few people in the field who are therapists as well as coaches. Even fewer professionals have personal experiences that can help them understand what I am going through.
After my divorce, I was frozen in time. I knew I needed more hand-holding, support, and guidance than therapy could offer me but, I also wanted to make sure I was getting guidance from a certified professional. I had worked with therapists before without much luck. Sanya is the rare combination of a therapist, and coach, who specializes in relationships. I got just the compassion, care, guidance, coaxing, encouraging, and calling out I needed to feel like myself again. Sanya was a God-send. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. She helped me move forward and showed me exactly how to heal myself so that I could let go of the pain, the trauma, and the anger. I know how to take care of myself and cherish myself now. I can LIVE now, I’m at peace with my past, I can live in my present, and I can look forward to my future.”
“I was climbing the top and it was getting lonelier and lonelier. On the surface my life looked enviable, but on the inside I felt broken, unfulfilled, and hopeless. I read self-help books, went to therapy, but nothing really helped. I had just about lost hope in ever fulfilling my dream of experiencing true love when a friend highly recommended Sanya to me. It has truly been an eye-opening experience. I am surprised how much I needed to learn. I used to think men are just intimidated by me. I now realize the energy I was putting out attracted the kind of men I wanted to avoid. It’s so good to know there is something I can actually do to undo what I thought was a hopeless situation. Coaching with Sanya has been life-changing, It has helped me improve in all areas of my life, including my work. I will never be the same again. If you are on the fence about coaching, then go for it. You won’t regret it.”
“There is so much love, compassion, and care with which Sanya shows up in sessions that it’s easy to transform. She didn’t judge me for having an affair and helped me find my way out of my self-destructive patterns that I hated but didn’t know how to get out of. Success has always come easy to me on the outside but I always knew there is something really messed up inside me that needs healing. The fact that Sanya is a trained therapist but practices as a coach was perfect for me because I knew I needed a high level of support but also someone who really knows what they are doing. I am so grateful that I found Sanya because my life has completely changed. I actually love who I am now. I love life now. I love everything. It’s almost as if a veil has been lifted and I can see the same world but with different eyes. It’s very freeing, it’s exactly what I needed. I would recommend her work to anyone.”
“Sanya is the only coach we could find who takes couples and on top of that, she was a trained therapist. We are forever indebted to her for supporting us through the transformation she has helped us make. We were already separated when we started. There was infidelity on each side of the relationship, we were both hurt and confused. We wanted things to work but just didn’t know how when we met her. It was either ‘give retainer to our lawyers’ or ‘work with Sanya’. Even though we were both scared we decided to give it shot for 6 months. The work was so life-changing and transformational that we signed for a year. My wife and I are successful, well educated, well-read adults we were surprised to find how much misinformation we fed into and participated in regarding relationships. We were also surprised that when we started to heal our relationship that all aspects of our lives got better. We went from getting a divorce to renewing our vows and moving in together – creating a love that was better than when we had first gotten together – it was calmer and more authentic. I can not believe how amazing our life and our marriage can be when we have each worked on ourselves – things just keep getting better for us and our kids. This was the best thing we could have ever done for our family. I recommend this to anyone who thinks relationships and love cannot heal.”
“I feel blessed to be introduced to Sanya’s work. Its been such a blessing and it came at such a perfect time in my life. Her work is life-changing. Never before have I seen the material being presented in such a manner that helped me not only build awareness of how important the relationship I have with my Self is but also how it affects my relationships with others. I learned how to get out of painful patterns and self-sabotaging behaviors I had gotten stuck in. I can say with confidence that my relationships will never be the same. Within a few sessions, I had learned more about life and love than I had learned all my life. I feel like a different person. I feel I have been equipped with tools to succeed in relationships and, more importantly, how to better love & honor myself. Thank you, Sanya Bari! “
“My journey with Sanya has been life-changing. After being married for 12 years in a marriage riddled with manipulation and control I was about to lose my mind and file for divorce when my lawyer recommended Sanya to me. I was intrigued that she is a coach so I’ll have support but she has therapy training. I was so fragile and confused that I definitely needed some hand-holding. My husband refused to come for therapy so I saw no hope for the future of our family but I went just to make sense of my own world. After just a few months of working with Sanya, I started to transform, and then everyone around me started to change as well. I was surprised how much effect I had on my husband and my kids, I thought he didn’t even see me. The way I look at life has changed now. There is a mechanism inside me now that I can rely on. I don’t feel desperate, resentful, angry, or needy anymore. I love who I have become and it is so sweet to be here that I will never ever go back to my old ways. I am transformed forever. Thank you so much, Sanya.”
“I had been in a mean, painful, and dead marriage for 22 years. For 10 years I had known that I should leave but I just couldn’t decide because of our 2 amazing kids. There was also a major fortune involved and it just seemed simpler to stay married. but I was slowly dying. My work, my parenting, my friendships, my life were all affected but this. But this was the biggest decision of my life because it affected my kids. I had seen others regret after getting a divorce and I was scared of having the same fate. My friend introduced Sanya to me and I was blown away by her presence. She helped me connect to my deep wisdom so I could make a decision from a place inside me that was so ‘me’ that I knew whatever I decide from there will be something I can actually do and not regret doing later. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I was able to make this important decision from a calm loving place. Our separation and divorce was so very different from what I have seen others do. It was very different from what I was likely going to do if I did not have the high level of support and guidance I received from having Sanya in my life. My husband and I have a better relationship in divorce than we had before. Splitting up our finances was going to be complicated if I were not so grounded in myself – we would have lost a lot of sanity and money fighting for things out of anger. I feel blessed to have Sanya support me in such an essential time of confusion and change in my life. I feel alive, renewed, excited about my life.”
“Sanya, I need to share this with you. I have been actively struggling with the question of what to do with my relationship for the past 2 years. After working with you for just 2 months I already feel like I have had a breakthrough. After countless days of pain and confusion I finally woke up today with a sense of peace that I have never known before. I didn’t even know it existed or available to me. I had an epiphany that gave me clear guidance. My gratitude is beyond anything words can portray! I’ve connected with my true self and realize what has brought me to you and this place in my life. I am suddenly so clear of the changes I must make for myself, this awakening has magically come to me with an energy field of support within me that I know I can trust and feel safe in. You awoke a part of me that I never knew. I don’t just have hope, I have direction, and support, all of it within myself. It’s like magic; it feels like a miracle. I am so thankful for your presence in my life and I can’t wait to see how and where I would soar next.”
“I am a numbers guy so here’s the best testimonial I can give you about Sanya Bari’s services. After coaching with Sanya for a year I increased my take-home income this year by $80,000. It was interesting how she calls the fees for coaching an ‘investment’ I didn’t realize it would be a financial investment too. I mean talk about return on investment . . . I was floored to realize how would even happen and she told me it’s the natural result of personal evolution. Don’t get me wrong I did step in and do the work. I was able to let go of so many energy sucks that were draining me. I got out of the survival mode and stepped into the thrival mode. I know more about the helpful and the not so helpful parts of myself than I have ever known before. Funny thing I was working with Sanya just to heal my relationship, that my fiance and I had done a number on. Not only are we doing better than we ever did as individuals and as a couple but I have never felt more like myself. I fixed my relationship with my parents too. Sanya did say: as I heal my relationships I will heal everything else in my life too. Turns out it wasn’t just something to say because it sounds good. Without realizing I needed help in any aspect of my life, I was able to improve everything.”
Go beyond the default life we are programmed for and create an extraordinary life & love.
Recognize the unconscious dynamics that run your life and free yourself from them.
Use your pain & challenges to access your limitless inner potential.
Heal yourself deeply to open to a world of endless possibilities.
Create the life & love you have always dreamed of.